Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day #19

Wednesday I meet with T.E.A.M. fitness. Wednesday is our cardio day. We stayed on the ellipticals until we did core strength. My planks are definitely improving. I left feeling good. By the time Monte got home I was just tuckered even though I didn't do that much. The boys kept talking about getting pizza and I swear I could live on pizza. I gave in and we went to Pier 49. I ate two pieces and my calorie count for the day was about 1600 calories. This is the second day that I have done this. I was still hungry after all this to and I thought my pizza indulgence would at least make me feel satisfied, but it didn't. I am for sure eating healthier than I ever have, but I am struggling with the desire to eat out a lot. A lot of it is I'm not planning. I know this. I have to do better. I read a friend's fitness blog and she posted that 80% is diet and 20% is exercise. I feel like I'm kicking the 20%'s trash but am struggling with the 80% so much. I'm not tempted to eat sweets but I am so wanting simple carbs like bread, pizza, pasta, etc. I'm getting tired of salad. So I'm done whining about this and hopefully my progress won't be hindered to significantly by love of eating out and pizza obsession. After we left I thought I could have at least ordered thin crust. Oh well.

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